Toblerone of Switzerland - Swiss Milk Chocolate with Honey and Almond Nougat
This is a pretty good quality Swiss (although it’s now owned by Kraft Foods) milk chocolate bar with small bits of nougat in it. |
Inside the box, the bar is sealed securely in a glued aluminum foil wrapper.
This bar is notched into twelve sections, so it can be easily subdivided. You know - if you’re not feeling like gobbling down the whole thing right now.
At first glance it might look like the bar has pieces of nuts in it, but that’s not the case. They are little pieces of honey and almond nougat. You can tell the difference if you bite on one of them. The nougat is medium-hard, but still distinctly more on the chewy side than a piece of almond would be.
There’s an interesting bit of design branding that I didn’t even notice until I was almost done studying the bar. The letters T-O-B-L-E-R-O-N-E are inscribed, one each, on individual sections of the bar. (Can you find the “R” and the “O” on the sections above?)
![]() And to make it easier to read, here's the transcript of the ingredients list: INGREDIENTS:
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I like the ingredients list. First, it’s fairly short. Only ten items (sugar appears twice). Not a lot of room for chemicals. The only real clue here that this is not gourmet chocolate is the use of synthetic vanilla rather than the much more expensive and yummier natural vanilla. There are however clues that this is better than cheap chocolate.
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![]() I paid $1.99 for this 3.5 ounce bar
(May 2013). For comparison purposes, that's $9.05 per pound. This is a
fairly economical price for a chocolate bar, especially considering
it’s reasonably good tasting. It's just about in the middle of the price range for popular chocolate bars. | ||||
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